Think if someone ask you not to send your daughter to a school, stops you to shave, n threaten you to bomb the schools where your children are learning about life? horrified...?
Now think about the plight of thoudands of parents in swat valley of Pakistan, where militants have already destroyed 172 schools, 122 for girls & 50 for boys...depriving 40,646 students of their basic right to education. Additionally, 84,248 girl students of state-run institutions are unlikely to attend school due to the fear of Taliban militants, who now control the entire area, despite the resolve of the local administration to reopen the schools March 1.
whatever is happening in pakistan is just not the matter of pakistan only...rather its an attack on humanity. And all democratic countries, United Nation n so called POWERS of the world should come forward to stop this menace in swat valley....coz if these handful of sick people became successful in their motives, this poison will take no time to spread at much lager scale.
Now think about the plight of thoudands of parents in swat valley of Pakistan, where militants have already destroyed 172 schools, 122 for girls & 50 for boys...depriving 40,646 students of their basic right to education. Additionally, 84,248 girl students of state-run institutions are unlikely to attend school due to the fear of Taliban militants, who now control the entire area, despite the resolve of the local administration to reopen the schools March 1.
whatever is happening in pakistan is just not the matter of pakistan only...rather its an attack on humanity. And all democratic countries, United Nation n so called POWERS of the world should come forward to stop this menace in swat valley....coz if these handful of sick people became successful in their motives, this poison will take no time to spread at much lager scale.
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