रविवार, 29 नवंबर 2009

Cant we feed our children????


I m shocked by this piece of news in newspaper today. 25 children in two villages of M.P. died due to malnutrition. I was further shocked to know that 60% children in 0-3 age group are malnourished in Madhya Pradesh. This is not all….82.60% of them are anaemic. This has been revealed by Ntional Family health Survey (NFHS)-III. Even shocking thing is that infant mortality rate is 70/1000, while the same indicator for the tribal areas is 95.6/1000. according to UNESCO the malnutrition in tribal population in M.P. is much higher than in Sub-saharan Africa. And Hongkong based Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) says that 80% malnourished children are in Rewa.

The first question comes to my mind is if a country who boasts of 9% GDP growth these days…cant feed its children???? What about tribal rehabilitation policy? Where is the Public Distribution System (PDS)? Where are the tribal welfare schemes and programs? Isn’t it the responsibility of the state? Isn’t it a crime against humanity? If agencies in Hongkong can know about situation in M.P. then why not Govt. of M.P. n Central Govt.??? or we have deliberately left children to die?????

बुधवार, 29 जुलाई 2009

Are we waiting for another murder???

After the recent murder of a married youth Ved pal Maun in Singhwal village of Jind district reportedly on directions of the Khap Panchyat (caste Panchyat) in Haryana, another young couple –shilpa and ravinder – now fear for their lives.

The increasing cases of Honour killings in Haryana on the behest of Khap Panchayats need urgent attention। Issuing of ‘Fatwa’ by these Panchayats against the young couples for marrying in the same ‘Gotra’ (sub-caste), is not only a violation of one’s fundamental rights but also an issue of law and order। Murder of a youth Ved Pal Maun in Jind district, in the presence of police party speaks volumes of failure of the state in providing protection to such couples even after an order of Hon’ble High court। Absence of any strict action against the office bearers of these non-constitutional Panchayats is only encouraging them। Again, a Fatwa has been issued in Jhajjar district against another young couple Shilpa and ravinder. Can we wait for another murder?

-saurabh arya.

Make this boy his wife's brother! Haryana's Cultural Dilemma!!

Excerpts from Rajbir's Blog:


Rajbir Deswal, is an educationist, political commentator, social activist, thinker and philosopher rolled into one. His book review of Haryana At Crossroads published in The Tribune exposes all that and much more...!Haryana at Crossroads, on the one hand, opens windows on current burning Haryana issues, and on the other, it provides a deep insight into the state’s glorious past, degenerated into a near-tribal cultural milieu.

The issue of social justice also gets equally dexterous treatment at the hand of Chaudhry when he describes khap panchayats as ‘Kangaroo courts’ dispensing justice in crude, brutal, abortive and senseless adjudications. It is to the author’s credit that very recently, the Punjab and Haryana High Court referred to an article published by him in The Tribune on the same subject while hearing petitions against the ‘fatwas’ (edicts), issued by the khap panchayats which did have their relevance but in an era gone bye. The book is a must-read for scholars and researchers besides all those interested in Haryana affairs.

The Tribune Book Review at http://www.tribuneindia.com/2009/20090104/spectrum/book4.htm

"it is about a near tribal tendency found in the traditioin bound states in northern India that their Kangaroo Courts issue edicts against certain social violations that they perceive to be so and in dispenstion of what they call justice, they can go even upto the extent of telling a couple to become brother and sister if they have allgeldly flouted any societal norms of marriage. Silly isn’t it?" -Rajbir Deswal.

शुक्रवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2009

आज एक बड़ा अफसर नहीं रहा

ऑफिस में सब दुखी हैं

दो दिन पहले एक छोटा कर्मचारी मरा था

पर किसी को पता नही है

गुरुवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2009

An Attack on Humanity.....

Think if someone ask you not to send your daughter to a school, stops you to shave, n threaten you to bomb the schools where your children are learning about life? horrified...?
Now think about the plight of thoudands of parents in swat valley of Pakistan, where militants have already destroyed 172 schools, 122 for girls & 50 for boys...depriving 40,646 students of their basic right to education. Additionally, 84,248 girl students of state-run institutions are unlikely to attend school due to the fear of Taliban militants, who now control the entire area, despite the resolve of the local administration to reopen the schools March 1.
whatever is happening in pakistan is just not the matter of pakistan only...rather its an attack on humanity. And all democratic countries, United Nation n so called POWERS of the world should come forward to stop this menace in swat valley....coz if these handful of sick people became successful in their motives, this poison will take no time to spread at much lager scale.